so just to bring you up to speed. i took a break from the exciting world of guitar building to really focus on the CMG record. i made a chart to track the progress. here it is like 4 months ago.
and here it is from june.
and here it is as of last night. it coming along. just a few more squares left. oh my god i'm excited.
a few months ago i had the privilege of contributing a small part to this record. it's called 'reading's from wheeling motel.'
let me try to explain this.... it's poet franz wright reading from his new book 'wheeling motel' set against the gentle groove of michael rozon and joining them together is longtime friend and lover daniel ahearn. here's a taste. but i suggest you download the whole thing here.
when i wrote this song, i had been sick for sometime and took too much thera-flu. from there i started having waking dream visions and my spirit animal came to me. it was randy newman and he told me i could bite his style circa 'sail away.' when i awoke from my fever dream, this song was done and ready to be someday covered.
my man chuck took on the burden last week. here is his version of the song. this will be track #3 on the novi split tribute album that i'm making for myself.