extreme makeover

i wanted to show some progress on this old squire i'm redoing for moses. here's the ugly black bass.

with the help of a wire hanger and a spray can it turns white.

wet sanding, as you know, is how i unwind after a long day.

"shine, shine, shine, like 409." - the gza

installing new pickups on a bass is weird because you screw them into the wood not the pickguard. found that out the hard way.

for all you haters, matching headstock with the official deets logo. put a bird on it.

neck reattached. gold pickguard wired up. i have to get someone to install the bridge because it needs to be machined for the string notches. i think it's pretty. i've never seen a squire ball so hard.


a collection of birds said...

I dig the gold pickguard and matching Headstock. Looks sweet.

paul kaloper said...

I really want to hate on this, but I can't. It's really tasteful. Maybe next time, you could bling it out more so that people can talk crap.